new comp- you'll find me on general and stickam
Age 32, Male
hemel hempstead
plymouth, england
Joined on 9/2/05
Posted by Freaki-boy92 - November 20th, 2009
my computer is broken, So I may not be on for a while.
This is being posted from a friend's laptop.
That is all
Posted by Freaki-boy92 - October 29th, 2009
I'm now a police officer in the portal- so shut up woman get on my horse
Posted by Freaki-boy92 - October 6th, 2009
I was banned for typing "Cool story Bro!" by GumOnShoe.
Well, sorry if I didn't see it in the rules, but it's done now.
anyway, at the time of writing this, I'll be 17 in nineteen days, that's old enough to drive!
If you want to catch up with me, I'll probably be in Stickam chat- I'm usually on cam
oh, and by the way...
Posted by Freaki-boy92 - April 12th, 2009
i wish!
anyway, i hate bono and the edge- blah.
on a related subject (maddox hates U2 as well)
/* */
Posted by Freaki-boy92 - March 17th, 2009
in my last post, i got a comment from Paryl, asking me to "skin yourself with a rusty pizza cutter then pour chew tobacco and alcohol all over yourself, shove a rake up your asshole and pull your anus out and tie it around a tree in the Amazon which you hang on, then hollow out the inside of your dick and wrap the outer skin around your lips the piss and cum stream going into your mouth, stick needles in your eyeballs and shit up your nose then stick a dagger into both your eardrums and scalp yourself, put a nail on your skull then hit it with a hammer multiple times then tear your jaw off its hinge and nail it to your chin, stretch your uvala out of your mouth then wrap it around your face, cut your face down to the bone and snap both your elbows and knees rib your feet and hand off and stab all the bone ends into your lungs, then cut open your stomach and expose all your organs, grabbing your intestine and making it into a noose, then rub honey all over yourself and watch as bugs and crabs and small animals crawl all over you and start to eat you alive for days as you lay in your own stinking pile of shit piss and sperm going into your mouth as rats and bugs and a wasps nest living inside your organs and then splash stomach acid all over your face and chew on your own muscles and organs and tongue to prevent starvation and animals crawl through your neck you choke on a porcupine and get spikes sticking through your jugulars and throat, then disconnect all your veins and arteries and stick the ends in your nose as blood comes shooting up your nose and filling your skull and shooting out through the small holes in your eyes caused by the needles then after months drown in your own shit."
now this was uncalled for, as I never did anything to offend this person. But I took it on the chin and I replied;
"i'll just erode my bladder with ketamine, but thanks for the suggestion."
this has since been deleted, and Paryl has been banned from my news posts. this will happen to anyone else who tries to do this, and if it continues, I'll inform a mod, an admin, or even WadeFulp. You have been warned- I don't have to put up with this, and I don't intend on putting up with this shit anymore, and don't try to get a witty response because, to be frank, I can't be bothered anymore.
all others who do this (you know who you are), there are NO EXCEPTIONS. Full stop. No further discussion.
Posted by Freaki-boy92 - March 10th, 2009
what the bloody hell's all this then? medal system? sounds good... bye
Posted by Freaki-boy92 - January 2nd, 2009
i'm really fucking tired so...
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzz
ugh... what was that? mother says hi? ugh...
Posted by Freaki-boy92 - October 28th, 2008
I can do haiku
although I'm not very good
Call of duty 4?