Alex Belcher @Freaki-boy92

Age 32, Male


hemel hempstead

plymouth, england

Joined on 9/2/05

Exp Points:
3,550 / 3,600
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.03 votes
Police Officer
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
1y 2m 25d

Freaki-boy92's News

Posted by Freaki-boy92 - October 6th, 2010

I have a problem with my computer- it won't connect to the internet at night
seriously, my computer is the only computer on the shared wireless internet that will only connect during the day, how unfair is that?

Posted by Freaki-boy92 - September 7th, 2010

bad news: I failed ICT, meaning I am no longer doing A-levels

good news: I'm now doing a diploma in forensic science, so without further ado...

/* */
(please note, while I'm making CSI references, I know that reality probably isn't like that.)

oh, and by the way, click the ads on this page please, i'm a little bit skint.

bad news, good news

Posted by Freaki-boy92 - July 28th, 2010

until just now, I've only been able to hear my sound through a USB headset. I went on the dell website and entered my service tag, downloaded a driver and now wham! sound coming from the computer itself!

now i won't get that funny feeling in one ear, no more discomfort and FREEDOM FROM THE TYRANNY OF A HEADSET!


Posted by Freaki-boy92 - June 4th, 2010

what is this?
i don't know.

Posted by Freaki-boy92 - May 8th, 2010

they will work no more, sorry 'bout that, it isn't my website.

Posted by Freaki-boy92 - April 27th, 2010

first, go to this link

second, copy and paste one of the following codes without the ">invite code:"part

> Invite Code: 10CE3E080EDBDFC1
> Invite Code: 481CFCF604556F25
> Invite Code: 4DA08C9D1C9A768F
> Invite Code: 838B5372190D7191
> Invite Code: 8D3AC88E5BBF5F30
> Invite Code: 9ACA507EEF9D6A2C
> Invite Code: B1F954009E7F8B95
> Invite Code: CEFF7C9842F9EE93
> Invite Code: EB7FF4C193614EF8
> Invite Code: ECCFBF5C43C6ED54

if it doesn't work, then the invite code has been used, I will make a new post when all invites have been used

finally, make a username and password, and enjoy a command line-based forum.


Posted by Freaki-boy92 - April 16th, 2010

I blame Iceland, they should stop selling us frozen foods.

Posted by Freaki-boy92 - March 28th, 2010

seriously, just watch this

/* */
i know, the guy's over energetic (read, annoying), but he has something important to say

Posted by Freaki-boy92 - March 15th, 2010

Has anyone ever noticed that life has a funny way of knocking you down, then keeping you down?

I mention this because I'm going through some really tough shit at the moment. It started in October 2008, when my mum got suspended from her job as a nurse following (false) allegations of assault- it went to a court of law, where it got thrown out, however the NHS decided that my mum had done it and essentially fired her after a year and 3 months in limbo.
around January '09, I started posting videos on youtube, and I immediately got people posting abuse at me, naming me specifically (I never put my real name on those videos, and I won't reveal it here- those of you who know my name know who you are), leading me to the conclusion that they know who I am IRL.

Fast forward to today, I have realized that all of this has taken its toll, and despite counseling (which I have been attending weekly since Jan '10), I had an emotional breakdown after a particularly stressful guitar performance at school. Since then (around 12:00 GMT), I have thought long and hard and realized that every time I've tried to pick myself up since then, life has kicked me back down again. What's worse is the fact that if I were to try and take a break to sort all of these personal problems out, I would basically jeopardize my A-levels, and therefore any future job prospects due to the ridiculous inflexibility of the national curriculum, which expects me to work as if everything was OK.

I'm not a quitter, but I'm considering just giving up- maybe A-levels aren't for me, perhaps I should wait it out and get a different kind of qualification later in life.

but what if this is the only chance I'll get at further qualifications?

that, people of newgrounds, is my dilemma- what do I do? I need the opinion of someone who doesn't really know me that well, so that I may weigh up my options.

I leave you with a children of bodom song that pretty much sums out how I'm feeling at the moment:

/* */

Posted by Freaki-boy92 - March 5th, 2010

-Awesome people (mostly)
-great flash portal
-decent audio portal
-amazing BBS
-awesome animations
-hilarious threads made on BBS
-most of the people have a great sense of humour


ERROR - You have been temporarily banned from posting to the BBS for 1 days. You have 9 hours, 14 minutes and 31 seconds left until your ban is lifted. Do not attempt to create a secondary account to get around this ban. If we find evidence of you doing so all of your accounts will be terminated.

Reason for ban: You have been banned for posting in a spam thread, entitled "New update for newgrounds!!!." This only fuels the flames and keeps the topic alive. This is a mandatory ban.

Please read the BBS rules.

now, I'm not normally butthurt about this, but Mal is really the only mod who still does this ban...

please note: any views expressed about any mods, in particular one that begins in "M" and ends in "alachy" is in jest- and this is more a joke than a complaint.

so, instead of ban extenison, just LOL!
thank you for your time